When it comes to legalizing medical marijuana in North Carolina, we have made some subtle progress over the last few months! d. It’s beginning to look like patients who have been diagnosed with a qualifying condition in the Tar Heel State will soon have the opportunity to get the comfort they rightfully deserve!
Back in April Senate Bill 711 (North Carolina Compassionate Care Act) was introduced by Senator Bill Rabon. While there is no timeline of when this bill might be made into a law, itl is the first of its kind to have actual support
There is still time to contact your state representatives, tell them how important this issue is to you, and encourage them to support SB 711! It’s important that those making this imperative decision know that North Carolinians are more supportive than they have been in the past. Times are changing and so are people’s opinions!
You might be asking yourself, “I thought medical marijuana was already legal in North Carolina?” That is true to a certain degree. In 2014, the state signed the North Carolina Epilepsy Alternative Treatment Act into law. This allows people suffering from intractable epilepsy to have a very small amount of low-THC CBD to help with the pain they are experiencing. Unfortunately the dosage allowed does not make much of a difference for patients so it is not very effective. We are hoping that more people will have access to medical marijuana to help ease their pain!
Here at North Carolina Marijuana Card, we want to make sure that you are fully prepared for when marijuana might be legalized! So keep reading for a brief background of the bills introduced in NC, what conditions would potentially qualify you for medical marijuana, and how to get your card!
History of the Bills Introduced in North Carolina
It is no secret that North Carolina is on the list of more conservative states in the U.S. This has had an impact on how many bills have been disregarded in the past. State representatives and those in charge have a history of having a conservative mindset which has resulted in being behind on popular modern day issues. This may change in the near future!
On April 6th, 2021, Senate Bill 646, the Marijuana Justice and Reinvestment Act, was introduced to the North Carolina Senate. This would allow legal use of marijuana to adults 21 and older. They would also be subject to taxation and regulation. Just one day later Senate Bill 669, Enact Medical Cannabis Act, was introduced as well. This would legalize medical marijuana. There has been no progress on these bills yet, but keep an eye on our blogs where we will keep you up to date on all the breaking news about this topic!
What Conditions could be on the Qualifying List?
As mentioned before, Senate Bill 711 has actual support from multiple Republican leaders because they are starting to see the positive effect of medical marijuana!
So let’s talk about who would qualify for medical marijuana if this bill is made into a law! While the list is not as inclusive as other states, it would definitely be a step in the right direction for North Carolina. The qualifying conditions would be:
Crohn's Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
All of the listed conditions are extremely painful for those that have been diagnosed. Some might say, “There are medications for those conditions. Why do we need to legalize medical marijuana?” It’s important to recognize that medical marijuana is a great natural resource to help those suffering. Many of the medications can have severe side effects or have a very addictive effect on those using them. People might be hesitant to use these medicines and endure the pain because they don’t want to take the risk of getting addicted to their medications. This is where medical marijuana would be a great and safe alternative!
However if you live in North Carolina and suffer from intractable epilepsy (“a seizure disorder that, as determined by a neurologist, does not respond to three or more treatment options overseen by the neurologist"), you do qualify for the allowed amount of low-THC CBD.
How to Qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card
The process of figuring out if you qualify for a card can sound confusing and overwhelming! But that is why we are here to help you. In order to qualify for a medical marijuana card in North Carolina:
Must be 18 years or older. Patients under 18 must have parental consent.
Have a current diagnosis of a *qualifying condition.
Have an official written certification from a physician.
Must be resident of North Carolina with proof of residency (valid driver’s license or state ID card)
If you can complete the four steps listed above, you are eligible and good to start the process of getting your card!
* As of right now, the only qualifying condition in North Carolina is intractable epilepsy. We hope the list soon expands to include the conditions listed in Senate Bill 711.
How/Where Would I Get my Medical Marijuana Card?
Many people think that the process of getting a medical marijuana card is difficult but with us it is simple and efficient. So let’s break it down for you step-by-step!
Once you confirm that you do have a qualifying condition, you will schedule an appointment with one of our friendly and helpful marijuana doctors in North Carolina!
You will then attend a virtual (yes, from the comfort of your home) evaluation with a state-certified medical marijuana doctor.
If you get the doctor’s approval, all you have to do is wait to get your card in the mail!
Yes, it is that simple to do. With the future looking positive for the medical marijuana/marijuana industry in North Carolina, we want to make sure that you are getting the help you need the easiest way possible!
Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.
Helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at (number), or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
Check out North Carolina Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in North Carolina!